Fiber Optics

1000Base-X GigE Fiber Link Project Rescue

Rescued customer and prevented their loss of a major government contract by quickly assessing the defects in the implementation of their Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-X) fiber optic link. Proposed and delivered a start-from-scratch implementation of their Data Capture System. Participated in daily stand up meetings while also managing junior engineer, coding new VHDL, debugging multiple PCBs with Virtex-6 LX240T devices on each, interfacing with software development, and supporting government site testing of new hardware, firmware and software.

Custom Interface to High Frame Rate Camera

Developed an 80 MHz Cameralink dual medium interface for the Xenics Cheetah-640CL which was the world's fastest IR camera. This project also required the design of VHDL interface code for talking with peripherals connected to a TB-6V-LX550T-PCIEXP. It communicated using the Xilinx Aurora protocol over two sets of four 3.125 Gbps fiber optic links to Virtex-6 SX475T and SX315T populated XMC cards. Co-designed the architecture and VHDL implementation strategy for the entire system.

Integrated Xilinx IP to Form Custom Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Comm System

ASPENLOGIC® integrated three pieces of Xilinx IP to form a stunning data capture and processing engine for its client. 2.5 Gb/s Fiber optic connections between custom, multi-channel ADC/DAC boards and a COTS Avnet evaluation board with a Virtex-5™ SX95T device operating at 250 Mhz delivered high bandwidth connectivity to the proprietary processing engine. The VHDL was designed to replicate a variable number of processing modules and automatically connect them to a variable number of bidirectional Aurora protocol links utilizing SFP optical fiber transceivers.